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Ah, interesting themes - in these hands. I enjoyed reading this poetry, actually slowed down instead of the speed read one might slip into when the attention isn't held.

The Man Of Stone I especially like, the journey it takes and how we go with it. Forgive my - I suppose you'd call it overt atheism - but mention of 'himself' outside of jokes/blasphemy rather causes my heart to sink - except in each case here, I'm able to ignore it. Surely we must all do that - enjoying what we can of something that includes elements of our dislikes? Moving along I don't think there's one poem I dislike here.

Even if one were to point out that time and ripples have shared the page before - with ducks n drakes - one would have to accede to the fine use of those elements. Who can really stop the human mind having natural shared imaginings? So that's not even a critique, it's an observtion.

I shall shut up now rather than shown any more ignorance, except to hint that I recognise elements of certain other themes - I mean identify with, and that's job done, innit?

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